The European Museum of the Year award nomination 2018 The European Museum of the Year award nomination 2018
Latvian National Museum of Art

The European Museum of the Year award nomination 2018

40 museums were nominated for the Museum of the Year Award in 2018. In Latvia, the competition was represented by three museums – the Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga Motor Museum, and the Rainis and Aspazija Museum.

The European Museum of the Year award was presented in Warsaw on May 9 – 12. The award ceremony took place at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews that received the award in 2016. The European Museum of the Year Award was received by the Design Museum London, and the Kenneth Hudson Award went to the Estonian National Museum in Tartu.

We are proud to congratulate our colleagues and those involved in the renovation of the Rainis and Aspazija Museum with the special award to Latvia, granted by the jury. We are also proud about the stable place of Riga Motor Museum amid the best transport industry museums in Europe.

The European Museum of the Year Award is established in 1977, with the task to internationally acknowledge the distinction of museums, evaluate their accessibility and openness to society, as well as to facilitate innovative processes in the museum industry. The initiator of the European Museum of the Year Award is the European Museum Forum – a non-governmental organization that works under the wing of the Council of Europe for the past 35 years and is the leading European museum organization. Acknowledged museum experts from many European countries are involved in the forum, with the task to work towards the improvement of museum operation standards in Europe.